1 Hour Sketch
Shown a black and white image of Le Corbusier's Ozenfant Studio, I was given no more than an hour to evoke the proportions and feeling of the space using only pencil. Not only was this an exercise in free hand sketching and shading, but also time management.

1 hour sketch: ozenfant studio le corbusier
House Awaiting Death [Whidbey Island, WA]
A house that sits on the ecotone, between the shelter of the woods and the spray of the sea. A beacon of light and warmth along an often grey and cold coastline. A series of rooms that face outward toward the sea. One of these rooms is an open-air space, embracing the wind and cold, a clear separation from the comforts of home, yet close enough to feel its warmth. A small heated pool lies in its center, sheltered only by a timber pavilion, its columns a part of the forest. When the day comes to a close the sun warms the room, painting the distant mountains with infinite shades of orange and yellow. Gazing out over the horizon there is a hush across the inlet as the things begin to get dark and the world seems to drop away. A cool mist envelopes your skin as you skip across the rocks and slide into the heat of the pool. You feel your muscles relax as you regain the warmth you left behind inside. Your focus shifts outward as you become aware of a ship disappearing into the night, leaving only the rhythmic crash of the sea.

envision a room

integral ornament

essence of the site watercolor

narrative sections

house on the ecotone

process floorplan