The Masieri Foundation was established in 1952 in memory of Italian architect Angelo Masieri, associate of Carlo Scarpa, who was tragically killed in a caraccident. The foundation’s purpose; to foster the study of architecture in the city of Venice as a tribute to Masieri and in association with the Istituto Universitario Architetura di Venezia (IUAV). Angelo Masieri’s legacy was to be embodied in a study center located at a critical point along the Grand Canal known as “in volta di canale”. This site acts as a pivot point where the formal design language of the Grand Canal meets the vernacular language of the side canals. In the 1950s and 60s notable designs for this study center were originally done by Carlo Scarpa and Frank Lloyd Wright, both of which were never realized due to “non-conformance” with the design language of the city. Both of these designs were used as case studies throughout my process, as was Sverre Fehn’s Nordic Pavilion for the Venice Bienalle. The study center program consists of dormitories, a library, dining facilities, seminar spaces, a boat landing, and other amenities.

view from grand canal

loggia along grand canal

ground floor plan

second floor plan

third floor plan

fourth floor plan

fifth floor plan

altana floor plan

interior perspective